Make these munchies the day before and they will taste even better at kickoff than the day you made them! Store them in the same bowls you will serve them in to save time and minimize dish washing. And you can use the same tortilla chips to dunk into both of them so one less thing to buy and put in a bowl that needs to be washed. (Are you getting the feeling that I dislike doing dishes?)
Fiesta Black Bean and Corn Dip
For your main course, I have a few suggestions. These are all crowd pleasers and can be completely assembled prior to people arriving. You’ll notice that there’s no vegetable here on this list, and with apologies to my dietitian mother, I’m not entirely sure it is worth making one for a day that is traditionally a nutritional disaster served on paper plates.
The Mother of All Mac and Cheese
And for dessert, there are so many good options. But I’ll pick just two for this list because they are fast and easy and yummy. Keep it simple, right?
Fudgy Garbage Brownies Make these ahead of time and they travel very easily once they are completely cooled. You may want to bring along some ice cream if you’ll have a freezer handy to serve them a la mode.
Peanut Butter S’mores Dip You can assemble this dip and just cover it with foil on your counter until you’re ready to put it in the oven. Crack the graham crackers into a serving bowl while it bakes.
And if you’re hosting the gathering, here’s a couple of other time saving tips for you:
- Have all of the serving bowls and utensils that you’ll be using out on the counter so you aren’t spending time going through cupboards looking for things.
- I always put my bag of tortilla chips across the top of the bowl I’m serving them in so if someone comes into the kitchen to help me, I can tell them to just open the bag and dump it into the bowl it is sitting on.
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