Sweet Potato Snackers for Dogs

Sweet Potato Snackers for Dogs

My dogs love sweet potatoes, and they are loaded with wholesome nutrition that you will love feeding your fur baby.  Whenever we have sweet potatoes for dinner, I always scoop out one to mix into Finnegan and Buford’s kibble the next morning.  They are not the most patient creatures – especially once they smell the sweet potatoes baking!

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A couple weeks ago, I was going to make the standard treats I have for my boys – Buford’s Easy Peanut Butter Dog Cookies – but I didn’t have enough peanut butter.  GASP!  What to do?!?  I did have a giant bag of sweet potatoes from the warehouse store I went to the day before, so I improvised.  And now I’m sharing this accidental but also awesome recipe with you 🙂


You can make this cookie dough into all kinds of shapes if you have the patience 🙂


These cookies come out chewier than most dog cookie recipes I have tried.  Chewy is a nice change from the hard crunchy cookies which the pooches love but leave behind hard and crunchy crumbs for the humans to step on (not that I’ve ever done that – OUCH).  The chewy cookies are also much easier to break into pieces if you don’t want to give a whole treat at one time.

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These sweet potato snackers have a wonderfully sweet aroma, so don’t think you’ll get away with opening the container without your four legged friend catching a whiff.  I had two containers of these cuties, and had used enough of them that I could consolidate them into one container.  Within ten seconds of opening the first container, I had two puppy heads sticking up over the top of the couch towards the kitchen and they were sniffing like nobody’s business.  Sweet potatoes are also in the stew that I make for them (you can find the recipe here at Scooby’s Organic Stew for Dogs ) so they know that smell means something good for them.


I always prefer cookies you can roll into little balls or use cookie cutters.  The cookie cutters sure do make cute treats but, let’s be honest, they take forever.  I can roll out a whole sheet of little balls in the time it takes me to do half a sheet with cookie cutters.  I’m a big fan of efficiency so the cookie cutters don’t get much use at my house.  You can roll this dough out and use the cookie cutters, just be generous with the flour on the cutting board and rolling pin.


“I’m a good boy can I have a cookie? Please? PLEASE?!?”




“Lady, stop taking pictures and just GIVE IT TO ME already.”










Sweet Potato Snackers for Dogs

Sweet Potato Snackers for Dogs


  • 2 cups cooked sweet potato
  • 3/4 cup apple juice (100% juice)
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Cover cookie sheets with baking parchment paper
  3. Mix all ingredients together (batter will be sticky)
  4. Spray your hands with nonstick spray and roll dough into 3/4" balls (dip in flour if needed for easy of rolling). Once a whole pan is rolled out, flatten each ball using either your thumb or the bottom of a glass (dip in flour first).
  5. You could also use a rolling pin to roll batter into 1/4" sheets and use the cookie cutters of your choice.
  6. Bake 30 minutes or until browned on the bottom.
  7. Cool on a wire rack, and store in an air tight container.
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